Thursday, March 29, 2007

Brian Tracy Recommends An eLearning Resource Hub

Find out what Brian Tracy recommends here.

To Your Success,
Peck Ling

Think Out Of The Box!

Recently, I had an opportunity to join some friends for a team building game.

During the briefing at the start of the game, the facilitator spent some time describing the game. I thought it was a pretty straightforward game and did not pay much attention to it. I noticed that the game facilitator did stress on certain things but somehow I just let them pass without giving it much thought.

Find out what happened and what I learnt from this simple yet profound game!

Happy Reading,
Peck Ling

A great learning resource that is affordable and meets your learning needs!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

How To Achieve More

Most of the time, all tasks appeared to be urgent and important. I realized that time was spent on many tasks that were small, time-consuming, insignificant but must-do mundane activities. Sometimes, disruption came in the form of requests from the boss or the need to attend numerous unproductive meetings.

How could one manage our time to do more important tasks and achieve more?

Check it out here.

To Better Time Management,
Peck Ling

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Finding A Business Opportunity

Looking for business opportunities was at the top of my mind since leaving a full-time well-paid job and it was a great leap of faith into the unknown. Ill-equipped with entrepreneurial or business skills, the only way was to seek recommendations from friends and to extend my “antenna” to receive such information.

Find out how I managed to find the business opportunity that I want. However, be warned, it may not be for anyone!

Hope it is for you!

Peck Ling