Thursday, February 22, 2007

Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Start To Succeed Now!

I have heard about moving out of your comfort zone many times. But it did not sink in until these recent months.

Like most people, I fear changes. Any change, or even an attempt to change anything I am doing, makes me uncomfortable. I think this is generally true for most people.

How did I overcome my fear and move out of my comfort zone? Find out the answer here.

To Great Success,
Peck Ling

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How To Have More Time?

I think there is a natural tendency for people to leave the most difficult tasks to the end. This also corresponds to the way we sit for our examinations in schools. Because of time constraints, we were often told to skip tough questions and go for the easier ones. Somehow, unknowingly, this habit stuck to us for life!

Learning how to manage our time is a very essential skill as most of us are doing more than one person’s job.

For more details on how time management can help us to achieve our goals and success, check it out here!

To More Time,
Peck Ling

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Best Time Of Your Day!

Brian Tracy said that the first hour of our waking hour sets the tone for the day. Hence, it is also called the Golden Hour. During this time, we prepare our mind for the day ahead by taking time to think and review our goals and adjust our future plans.

Find out what are the four things we should do during this Golden Hour to achieve our financial freedom.

To Our Success and Financial Freedom,
Peck Ling